I didn't go anywhere today since it was raining and cloudy. As a result I don't have a outfit to post tonight. However, given the dreary weather I decided to play dress up. The hubs was off doing his own thing, leaving me with ample time to try on different clothes and take pictures to my hearts content. I love formal clothing. Unfortunately I don't very many opportunities to wear them. My formal clothes have been sitting in my closet collecting dust, so I decided to pull them out, dust them off, and spend some time feeling pretty. I have two types of formal clothing that I equally love. The first is western formal clothes and the second is saris. I looooove saris. If I could I would wear them everyday, I would. Alas, like my beloved evening gowns, they too collect dust in my closet. Well the first set of pics are my favorite evening formal wear.
I got this dress many years ago. I tried it on in the dressing room and it was love at first sight. I think I might have worn it once to a broadway musical. It is a Jessica McKlintock number and I am just waiting for the right occasion to don it again. This qualifies as my favorite evening dress of the ones I own.
I bought these two beauties at H&M. They are fun and pretty and can be worn out on the town or at a more formal even. The purple one I love because it is lace and speaks to my inner goth. The green one is fun and simply adorable. I haven't worn them yet, but chances are good they will worn before my other formal pieces.
As I mentioned before, I love saris. They are my favorite type of clothing. If I had the option, I would wear saris all the time. The saris that I have the most fondness for are traditional silk saris. This sari is a traditional number from southern India. It is black and has green and maroon as the complimenting colors. I have worn this once, and it is among one of my favorites.
My mother in law gave me this sari when I got married. It is very intricate and shiny. It too is silk. I am not sure what region of India this is from, but I love this color and this is also in favorites pile.
This is my favorite sari. It is the sari I got married in. This is a Veranasi sari. Veranasi is famous for there saris (among other things). This type of sari is characterised by intricate work in gold woven into silk. Back in the day this is the type of stuff royalty and the elite wore. The artisans who make these works of art pass on their skills to their children who carry on the art form. Unfortunately, with globalization the demand for this type of garment has gone down and many of these artisans find themselves in destitution. I am saddened by this sort of thing and so now when I buy or gift saris I make it a point to buy the ones that are still made by artisans. The world will be less rich a place if this art form is no longer practiced.
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