Sunday, October 31, 2010
A Weekend of Fun - Day 47 and 48
I had a very fun weekend. On Saturday, the hubs and I went to a wedding for a co-worker (his co-worker). We had a lovely time. The wedding was held in a small, older church that was filled with simple, but charming details like stained wood and stained glass. The minister had everyone laughing, so the occasion had a aura of joy to it. That evening we went out with friends to celebrate Halloween. I felt like I was in my mid-twenties again! There is something about coming home at 2 am, eating leftover pizza from the day before that brings back memories of those charming years. Naturally, both the hubs and I went in costume. We spent today recovering from last night and running errands. I didn't take a picture of what I wore today, I'll be sure to do that tomorrow. So here is what I wore yesterday: the dress is JS collection (this is what I got altered, it is also thrifted), the purse is thrifted, the shawl was a gift, and the shoes are Aldo. I bought the halloween costume at one of those Halloween stores (I was a bad fairy).
Friday, October 29, 2010
Thank God Its Friday - Day 46
Finally, the end to this crazy week has arrived. The temperature has dropped to the fifties today, which took a toll on the hands this afternoon as I was picking raspberries. Although the week was hellish, it ended well. I had a very productive day and actually met a deadline (I almost did the happy dance in my cubicle). Now I am sitting comfortably on my bed, under the covers feeding my voracious appetite for current events. I am going to a wedding tomorrow, something I am very excited about. My dress has been fitted, the lovely Russian lady (Greta), is an excellent seamstress. It was well worth what I paid her. I have a couple of other things I am going to ask her to fix. (I'm very loyal about who I purchase services from. If you do a good job, I am not likely to take my business elsewhere.) Well anyway here is what I wore today: the top is Banana Republic, I don't what the brand is for the skirt (the label has fallen off), and the shoes are Nine West.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Velvet Time - Day 45
I hit an all time record in terms of how late I stayed up for work yesterday: 4 a.m. That's right 4 a.m. My previous record was 3 a.m. Next time, I'm going to shoot for the all nighter just like the good old college days (and graduate school days). Now this information begs the question: Did I finish what I needed to? Answer: No, not really. I actually had to finish up this morning. Ahhh, how I love work weeks like this. The most awesome part of this week is I actually have to be at work at 7:30 am tomorrow. Now with my commute that means I have to leave the house at 6:30 a.m. (Just as a side note: I'm not a morning person.) I just can't wait for tomorrow. And yes, I have work tonight as well. (No I'm not likely to get a bonus or a raise for this kind of craziness, oh well, at least I'm employed. Gotta count your blessings.) So with that, here is my outfit for today: the jacket is Tahari, the top is from Target, the shoes are Nine West, and I don't know what brand the skirt is (the label has fallen off).
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Pretty Fall Colors - Day 44
This is post is going to be another short one. Tonight is going to last into the wee hours of tomorrow as I have a mountain of work that needs to be completed. That being said, my outfit today was inspired by the beautiful fall color. So here it is: the skirt is Liz Claiborne, the top is Carole Little, the shoes are Enzo Agiolini.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
It's Only Tuesday :( - Day 43
I think the fall color is at it's peak this week. All the trees seem to be some hue of orange or yellow on the way to work. I was a good wife today and made 3 seperate cooked items (rice, red lentil soup, and green beans). All turned out edible AND the hubs said they tasted good. Success like this makes me almost want to try cooking something a little more gourmet (the key word here is almost). There is only two more weeks of CSA left, which makes me kinda blue. Today's post will be another short one. I have work that I need to get from the office, yet again. Just 2 more weeks and then I'll get a break from this craziness. Anyway, here is my outfit for today: the skirt is thrifted (brand is Axcess), the top is a.n.a, the belt is Ralph Lauren (thrifted), and the shoes are Hype. As I list out these brands, I have to say some of the shoe brands have very strange names.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Another Monday - Day 42 (week 6)
This week is going to be in the seventies! Just that information alone makes me look forward to the week. I had a obligatory work social thing to go today, so yet again I came home late. The work thing was fun, so it wasn't such a bad afternoon. Unfortunately, that pushes everything else back. Anyway, I'm pretty tired from the days events so, this will be a short post. Here is what I wore today: the dress is Calvin Klein, the shoes are Wild Diva (yes, that is the actual name of the brand), and the belt is thrifted.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
A Perfect Fall Day - Day 41
Today was a perfect fall day. It was sunny, in the high sixties, and the color on the leaves are finally starting to show their brilliance. We primarily stayed home today. My mother is coming a few days early for our Eurpean adventure. This means we have to get the house in order before she arrives. There is much to do and the hubs decided to start the monumental task today. I did my part by making coffee and organizing what I could. In addition to house organizing, we also drove around to look at the lovely trees changing color in our area. I live in a official "Tree City" according to the Arbor Day Foundation, so the fall and the spring are a real treat. Below are a few pictures of the color change in my yard.

The first picture is of a maple tree that is in the front of my house facing the street. This is a beautiful tree, full of character and age. The second picture is of a plant that is growing on one of the bushes in the back of the house. The color was just so pretty I had to take a picture. This third picture is of a plant that is randomly growing in my yard. I'm not sure what it is, but the fuschia color is just brilliant. The picure below is of a tree we saw driving around. It too is spectacular.

To fit the theme of the day, I decided to go for military green and brown. The hubs felt that the top didn't really go with the skirt, but what does he know, right? To be perfectly honest, I picked the top because it is the only one I have that is this particular shade of green. So with that introduction, below is what I wore today: I made the skirt, I don't remember where I got the top or shoes, and the leggings are Charlotte Russe.
The first picture is of a maple tree that is in the front of my house facing the street. This is a beautiful tree, full of character and age. The second picture is of a plant that is growing on one of the bushes in the back of the house. The color was just so pretty I had to take a picture. This third picture is of a plant that is randomly growing in my yard. I'm not sure what it is, but the fuschia color is just brilliant. The picure below is of a tree we saw driving around. It too is spectacular.
To fit the theme of the day, I decided to go for military green and brown. The hubs felt that the top didn't really go with the skirt, but what does he know, right? To be perfectly honest, I picked the top because it is the only one I have that is this particular shade of green. So with that introduction, below is what I wore today: I made the skirt, I don't remember where I got the top or shoes, and the leggings are Charlotte Russe.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Sunny Saturday - Day 40
Today was a stunner when it came to weather. It was warm, sunny, and there was a crisp earthy scent of fall in the air. We drove around to see the fall color in our area, which was lovely. I am also gearing up for my trip, there is always so much to do before one goes on vacation. The planning really helps build up the experience. On another note, I love Facebook. Though I am not especially active on it, this "social networking site" has allowed me to stay in touch with family overseas, reconnect with friends from my past, stay connected with friends who live far away (which is pretty much every close friend I have), and find my oldest, dearest, closest friend. My closest friendship is with a lovely person from my childhood. I have known her since I was five. When I moved, we stayed in touch by writing each other letters about our lives (there was no e-mail in those days). Then, around my freshman year of college, she disappeared from life. I searched for her for years, but no luck. Then two years ago, as if by some miracle, I found her on Facebook. It has been such a comfort to have her back in my life. There is something about friendships we make as children that are so different from the friendships we make as adults. The friends from our early years are closer somehow and the bond of that friendship is much harder to break. It is hard to describe, but one can feel the qualitative difference. Perhaps it is the innocence of childhood that makes that relationship seem more dear. Well, enough of the nostalgia. Here is my outfit for today: the skirt is Old Navy, the T-shirt is from Target, the gray t-shirt is from Wal-mart, the leggings are from Charlotte Russe, and I don't remember where I got the shoes.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Work at Home Day - Day 39
Worked from home today and it was wonderful. I think the commute is what leaves me exhausted everyday. I am not as tired as I usually am today. The woman who I went to get my dress fitted was simply charming. She is russian, probably over 62, and still looks incredible. Alterations are pretty expensive. Taking in the dress is going to cost me almost $70. However, since dress is thrifted it doesn't seem so bad. If she does a great job, it will be worth the money. As a result of working from home, my outfit today is pretty uninspiring. The top is from Eddie Bauer, the skirt is express, and the shoes are from Target.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Almost Friday - Day 38
Well it is almost Friday. Yay! I am working from home tomorrow (I have to get a dress fitted for a wedding I am going to) so that will be a nice break from my daily commute. My adventure to Europe is also fast approaching, another exciting thing to look forward to. I love formal events, so I can't wait for this wedding, it should be lovely. I haven't been to very many weddings and with none of my single friends having plans to marry any time soon (this would be most of my friend circle), any opportunity is always welcome. I love weddings of all types. It is fascinating to me how no matter what religion or culture one is from, there seems to be a universal theme to marriage when it comes time for the rituals. It is the ritual after all that makes any wedding unique and special. I suppose I am a bit nostalgic since my own wedding was so many years ago. I guess there is the vows renewal thing that we could do down the line. Anyway, here is my outfit for today: The shirt is Kate Scott, the skirt is Ann Taylor (thrifted), the sweater is Nicole Miller, and the shoes are Steve Madden.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Back to Black - Day 37
It was incredibly foggy this morning. This made the landscape look like it came out of Lord of Rings. It's so perfect, given that this is the month for Halloween (incidently one of my favorite holidays). Work has been chaotic and frustrating. There always seems to be to much do, but not enough time to do it. I suppose that's how it is for most people. Last night I made a penne dish with chicken, heirloom cherry tomatoes, and bell peppers. It was actually not bad. I have to say nothing tastes as good as garden fresh produce. On the style front today I am black to my old standby: black. The skirt is Ann Taylor LOFT (thrifted), the sweater is Casual Corner (also thrifted), and the shoes are Joey.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Time for Velvet - Day 36
The overcast weather really brought the fall color to life today, making the drive to work pleasant for the eyes. I wore my favorite boots today. They are velvet with embroidery, possible two of my favorite things when it comes to apparel. I try not to wear these to much, since I would have difficulty replacing them if they wear out. I have work to do after this post as well as prepare dinner for tomorrow. It appears it will be a long night. Anyway, here is my outfit for today: the sweater is J. Crew (thrifted), the skirt is continental, I don't remember where I bought the shoes.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Business Casual - Day 35 (week 5)
Today was another typical day. Although this week is looking like another chaotic one. I am prepared for the week, what with being recharged from our trip to Vermont and all. It is also looking like this week is going to have rain and lower tempertures. Which, in my mind, calls for boots. Ahhh, how I love boots. It is really a shame that they can only be worn for a couple of months out of the year. On a different topic, I am going to a wedding at the end of month, also very exciting. I have to get the dress I'm wearing fitted though. I found this alterations place that time forgot. It is run by this elderly Eastern European woman. She has an ancient sewing machine to boot. I am just so charmed by her, I want to give her something of mine to alter. Anyway, here is my outfit for today: the jacket is from an old suit, the pants are New York & Co., the shirt is Tahari, the shoes are Polvini, and the necklace is a gift from my grandmother. Who incidently is just hilarious. She told me that this necklace was her favorite. Isn't that sweet? Well there you have it: grandma's are the best. I'm lucky mine is still around.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Fall Color Tour - Day 33 and 34
We had a lovely weekend. On Saturday we went to Monticello, NY so the hubs could drive on a race track. This was his first experience and he seemed to enjoy it. I was a passenger and a professional race car driver drove a couple of laps, it was fun. Then today we explored a little bit of southern Vermont. It was breathtaking. The fall color was in all it's glory. Since it was slightly overcast, the colors seemed more brilliant. This is my first trip to Vermont and I can see why the people who live there love their state. I don't know how anyone can be in bad mood when they wake up to stunning vistas everyday. The landscape is very mountainous, so it makes the scenery very dramatic.
Here is a picture of a pretty spot in Monticello, where we went on Saturday. We happened upon this lovely spot as we were driving to Vermont. The picture next to is what I ended up wearing. I was feeling a bit daring and decided to go for the mini skirt. My newfound weight loss has had the added benefit of increased self confidence. The jacket is Moda internation, the top is ICE, the skirt is r21, the leggings are from a store in the mall (I think they are called the sock store-I know very original), and I don't remember where I got the shoes.
Afterwards we made our way to Rutland, Vermont. The drive itself was stunning. It was slightly overcast today, so the colors on the leaves really popped out. Here are few pictures.
This is what I wore today. The weather was really lovely (in the 60's) so it made this whole weekend very enjoyable. I absolutely love this color green. Something about the shade is incredibly soothing. I don't remember where I bought the sweater. The skirt is from Old Navy, the tights are Anne Klein, and I don't remember where I got the shoes.
Here is a picture of a pretty spot in Monticello, where we went on Saturday. We happened upon this lovely spot as we were driving to Vermont. The picture next to is what I ended up wearing. I was feeling a bit daring and decided to go for the mini skirt. My newfound weight loss has had the added benefit of increased self confidence. The jacket is Moda internation, the top is ICE, the skirt is r21, the leggings are from a store in the mall (I think they are called the sock store-I know very original), and I don't remember where I got the shoes.
We stayed near Lake George, NY, another beautiful place. Lake George is located in the Adirondeck region of New York. The following morning after breakfast we took these pictures of the lake.

Friday, October 15, 2010
Finally Friday - Day 32
It is finally Friday, I am so glad. The hubs has planned a weekend away to see the fall color. So I am thrilled about that. The temperatures are now starting to really drop and it is almost sweater season. It is grand to live in a place where the seasons change. Not only is it a feast for the eyes, but the variety of things you get to wear is also much broader. The one thing I dislike about the arrival of fall and winter are shorter days. I spent half an hour picking cherry tomatoes in the dark. In that light everything looks green. Anyway here is my outfit for today: the shirt is anatolia femme, the skirt is express, the leggings are Anne Klein, and the belt is thrifted.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Pretty Pastels - Day 31
Thankfully, the week is finally coming to a close. There was some happy news in the news today: all the miners trapped in Chile were rescued. That was a wonderful begining to my morning. Sometimes the news actually reports happy stories. Since they are so rare, I suppose we should try to enjoy them, it certainly makes me feel like the world isn't going to hell afterall. Anywho, the dreary, damp, and cold in the air (yes, it is raining again), inspired me to wear a lovely pastel pink today. This pink looks like the shade that infant girl clothes come in. I'll be honest, I bought the skirt because I liked the style, not so much for the color. However, it is supposed to be a good thing to get out of our comfort zone (mine happens to be all things black) once in a while, right? So with that here is my outfit for today: the shirt is WD NY, the sweater is from Kohls, the skirt is Ralph Lauren, and the shoes are Madden Girl.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
A Day for Red - Day 30
It appears the one month mark has arrived. Damn, I have a lot of clothes! It is amazing what you find in your closet once you start digging. Not to mention that I am not anywhere close to being out of different outfit combinations. On a different note, I didn't end up making two culinary dishes last night. The pasta dish took so long, it was to late to start the other one. While it was not a culinary masterpiece, it was edible. At my skill level that's a victory. As I have mentioned in a previous post, red is my favorite color. So as you might guess, this outfit is one I especially like. It incorporates all the various hues of red in one pretty package. So with that here is my outfit for today: the top is Banana Republic, the skirt is New York & Co., the shoes are Jessica Simpson, and the jewelry is made by me.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
It Finally Feels Like Fall - Day 29
Well I got home at a decent time today (the sun was still out when I left work). This week is quickly shaping up to be one full of chaos. On a happier note, the fall color is in full swing now. The drive both to work and back is just a feast for the eyes. It was especially magical this morning since there was just a hint of fog in the distance. I pass several horse farms on my way to work, so by the time I get to work my mood is already brightened all the pretty things I see on the way there. On a domestic note, I feel inspired to cook tonight, so after my relaxing I think I will make two dishes instead of one. Hopefully, both will turn out to be edible. My outfit for today is one of my favorite everyday dresses. If you haven't noticed by now, I am petite person with a short stature. This is a challenging body shape to have when one shops for clothing in general, and dresses in particular. So imagine my delight when I tried on this dress and it actually fit correctly! So without further ado here is what I wore today: the dress is Nine West and the shoes are Michael Kohrs.
Black and White - Day 28 (Week 4)
Today was a very long day (walked in the house door at 11 pm). I had some deadlines to meet, and thus stayed at work longer than anyone should. What was really bad is that it started thundering and lightening at around 10, so it sounded like armageddon outside. Fortunately, by the time I was on the road the rain had stopped. However, I was treated with dinner made by the hubs, so that was a pleasant suprise. With that, here is my outfit: the skirt is Willi Smith, the shirt is from Target, the belt is thrifted, and the shoes are MRKT.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Lazy Sunday Afternoon - Day 27
Today was another errand type day. The errands were run towards the afternoon. I watched the movie "Babies" in the morning. It was a very sweet film. The movie filmed several babies from around the world in their first year of life. While there are cross cultural differences, the film demonstrates that to a large degree, there isn't much difference between peoples. It is a relatively happy documentary, something that is rare to find. It was another lovely day, but I wasn't feeling very inspired. So the outfit is just that: blah. I don't remember where I bought the top. The pants are The Limited and the shoes are Dirty Laundry (yes, that is the actual name of the brand).
Saturday, October 9, 2010
A Day for Errands - Day 26
Today was errand day. It was another stunner in the weather department. I have to say I am thoroughly enjoying this Indian Summer we are having. So my out fit for today is as follows: dress is from Marshalls, I don't remember where I bought the hoodie, and the shoes are sketchers.
Friday, October 8, 2010
Indian Summer - Day 25
What a glorious day! The weather was stunning: sunny, warm, with just a hint of a breeze. Today was also CSA day, so naturally it ended well. I absolutely appreciate those who do the job of picking our fruits and vegetables. We have to pick certain kinds of produce (raspberries, cherry tomatoes, green beans, etc.) and it really is a calming experience at the end of the day. Now, if one is doing this all day long in the hot sun, I imagine it is quite an unpleasant experience. So to all those workers out there who pick our fruits and vegetables: THANK YOU. Anyway, I can now wear one of my favorite khakis. My closet seems to be the gift that keeps on giving lately. Also, it is now late enough in the season that I can wear one of my favorite fabrics: velvet. With that prelude here is my outfit for today: vest is Levi's, the tank top (yes it is velvet) is from New York & Company, the pants are American Eagle, and as usual, I can't remember where I got the shoes.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Transition Time - Day 24
Typically I get home before the hubs. The last two days, however, I've been getting home late from work, so I am greeted by his jolly self (the hubs). Instead of taking pics in the morning, I take them in the afternoon now (as I mentioned before, this does nothing in terms of improved appearance). He finds this whole exercise to be amusing and was cracking me up with his impersonation of me posing. The result is the over enthusiastic smile on my face in this shot. Ladies, there is nothing as important as a guy with a sense of humor to make a marriage last. On another cheery note, my work computer is finally working again (yay!) and I am back to my routine. It is a glorious feeling. The weather was also beautiful and warming up a bit. All in all I would say it was a 8 out of 10 kind of day (a 10 out of 10 is hard to accomplish). So here is today's outfit: I don't remember where I got the t-shirt, the dress is from Marshalls, and the boots are Ralph Lauren.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
A Little Bit of Yellow to Brighten the Day - Day 23
Alas, another dreary day. On a bright note, the temperatures do appear to be climbing a bit. My work computer has a virus on it that refuses to be erased. I always forget how dependent we are on the internet and technology on day to day activities, until I don't have it available. Needless to say I'm not looking forward much to weekend since I am back logged and will have to take work home with me. Oh, well, it could be worse. So all this dreary weather of late has inspired me to wear yellow today. Now, I will be honest, yellow is not one of my favorite colors. My kitchen was orginally painted yellow, and lets just say I was not a fan. However, after a string of gloomy days, wearing something bright seems to lift the mood. The following is what I wore today: The top is from India, the skirt is from Burlington Coat Factory (it is actually made in the USA! I bought two, the other one is black), the shoes are Coach (from DSW), the belt is thrifted, and I don't remember where I bought the tights.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
A Little Preview of Winter - Day 22
So the winter chill has resulted in the nun inspired number I wore today. The weather has been so unpredictible this year, regardless of the season. Anyway, I was a good wife today and made dinner (Risotto) for the hubs and me BEFORE he got home. This is a rare occurance as my one hour commute (each way is one hour) leaves me lacking motivation to do much of anything when I get home. However, seeing as there was nothing wholesome to heat in the microwave, I put the stove to use. Today it was Risotto, who knows what culinary heights I will reach tomorrow. As for the nun like outfit: The top is from Eddie Bauer. The skirt is thrifted (vintage Ann Klein), and I don't remember where I got the shoes. I made the necklace.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Time for Tunics - Day 21 (Week 3)
I didn't go anywhere yesterday, hence no post. It has gotten very cold all of a sudden. This really makes me rethink what I'm going to wear this week, I had planned for warmer temperatures. The outfit I'm wearing today is a color scheme I typically do not wear. I have not worn the tunic for quite some time, so I thought I would give it a go today. I don't remember where I got the tunic or shoes from. The pants are from BCBG and the tank top is from Wal-mart.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
A Day at the CSA - Day 20
Today was another glorious fall day. We spent part of the day volunteering at Harvest Fest for our local CSA. CSA stands for community supported agriculture. Essentially they are farm co-ops. Members of a CSA pay a yearly sum and enjoy the crops that are grown for a certain number of weeks, typically this is the growing season in your geographic region. Most CSA's use organic farming techniques (crop rotation, integrated pest management, no use of pesticides or herbicides). My CSA raises organic produce and is only 5 miles from my house. I was on a one year waiting list to get in and now that I have participated, it is by far one of the best changes I have made to my lifestyle. I look forward to my weekly pick up and it is especially nice to know where my food comes from. The food also tastes much, much better. The Harvest Festival was fun, I manned the pumpkin painting station. Young children are always a hoot. This is what I wore: The top is from H&M, the dress is from Marshalls, and I don't remember where I got the shoes.
Friday, October 1, 2010
T-Shirt and Jeans Day- Day 19
The hubs did the sweetest thing yesterday and I forgot to mention it. I am a lover of dark chocolate (the more than 75% cacao kind). Armed with this knowledge, the hubs went and bought several different kinds of dark chocolate (all more than 80% cacao) from different brands and displayed them prominently for my viewing pleasure. It was the sweetest thing (both figuratevly and literally). Today was one of those days that started off gloomy, but ended with a grand finale. It pretty much rained all day, but as soon as I was ready to go home, the sun was out in all it's glory. As I have mentioned before, I love to dress up and I do so in my clothing choices for work. Today though I decided to wear jeans for a change. This is a pretty rare occasion, but why not? right? Someone once said to me that the only constant in life is change, he was absolutely right. So with that here is my outfit. The blazer is from H&M. The T-shirt is a gift from the hubs (before he became the hubs). The Jeans are Levis. The shoes are thrifted and the necklace is a gift from my best friend.
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